Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Keep my Head up

I hate the fact that I am not enjoying it as I was three years ago.

Something is wrong, very wrong. I thought I walked out of the struggle I'd, but no, the concern is still there. However, it's different than before. At first, I was struggling with the responsibilities and loads on my shoulder. I overcame and handled that. But now, the works I've right now isn't keeping me busy enough and satisify. (Schematic design is unbelieveablely borning). I feel like I'm being ignore sometimes. WIth my experience, I should have more responsibilities and do more than what I'm doing right now. Sometimes I feel like they didn't well use of my knowledge.

Anyhow, good to have lunch with Sara, one of my co-workers who sit on the opposite side in the office. I like her a lot, it's always so comfortable to talk to her and she's very understanding.

When I think about it deeply, I still enjoying working here, still love it as I was three years ago. Oh well, I should stop complaining. Just need to keep my head up. And smile.

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